Who are we?

SoualiGas was founded by a team of engineers; Caribbean nationals with deep roots to the island of St. Maarten who wanted to solve the waste management crisis there. Growing up with the stories and folklore of our forefathers we deeply valued the importance of our heritage, heritage sights, and nature.

Yet, as these stories were told, clouds of black smoke flowed over and around us from an unmitigated waste management disaster located in the middle the middle of our economic, tourism, and population center. With a problem solving mindset, we initially set out to solve the issue on our home island. However, we have learned that many of our brother and sister islands endure the same. Our goal is to ensure that future generations throughout the region will not have to endure the same trials as us.

Our Team

Matthew Halley

Co-founder & CEO of SoualiGas.

Matthew was born on St. Maarten and left the island to pursue higher education in the Netherlands. With bachelor degrees in Biochemistry and Civil Engineering, Matthew has worked in the fields of biofuels, aquaculture, construction, and renewable energy. His study and work experience has always been geared towards finding solutions that could be brought back to the Caribbean to improve the quality of life. This eventually led to the pursuit of a masters degree in large-scale Urban-Systems engineering and the formation of SoualiGas, with the intent to tackle one of the largest problems on his home island and in the wider Caribbean region; waste accumulation.

Sergio Hodge

Co-founder and Engineering Advisor of SoualiGas

Sergio was born on the island of St. Maarten and pursued higher education in the Netherlands. With a bachelor degree in Construction Engineering, Sergio has nearly 18 years of engineering experience in the Netherlands, St. Maarten, and other nearby islands on projects of various scopes and sizes. After experiencing the destruction of St. Maarten by Hurricane Irma in 2017, Sergio wanted to be part of a long term solution to rebuild the island. As the cofounder & Engineering Advisor of SoualiGas, he aims to do just that!

Inspiration of the
SoualiGas name

The Amerindian Arawaks gave the island of St. Maarten the name “Soualiga" meaning the “land of salt”, due to the salt flats on the island. Salty lands were considered curses as agriculture was limited at best, but eventually salt became a commodity - a gift - that allowed desolate areas to grow prosperous. We view the curse of waste similarly. With the right solutions, we can transform it into a gift that provides for the people of these islands.

Our Partners

SoualiGas is proud to be working side by side with our partners to bring positive impact, technologies, and expertise.

Our Investors

SoualiGas is proud to be supported by investors committed to solving the world’s waste problems, resource shortages, fighting climate change, and empowering people.